Saturday, December 11, 2010

Staying Warm...and Stuff

Monday this week I was talking to one of my students about a talent show he wants to be in and he said, “I'm gonna have my brother come and play with me. He's a really good singer, but he has a girlfriend sooo...I just wanted to save you that awkward time of trying to hit on him.” Wow what do you even say to that? …Thanks, I guess. Haha what a punk!  The rest of the day I pretty much did promo stuff for the concert next week and learned about ice fishing…sounds cold. I don’t think I’d like it. There will be blankets and hot cocoa though, so…we’ll leave that as a maybe.

Thursday, I took my first guitar lesson with the after school program– yikes! I mean it was fun…I think. It’s just soo hard! I felt like I had never picked up a guitar in my life!

I went for a walk to the lake yesterday, which was both lovely and freeeezing! I put on approximately half of the clothes that I own and then took off down the icy sidewalk. Fun fact I learned on my way home…such sidewalks can actually keep you extremely warm. It’s true! So there I was walking back from the beautiful sand (which, btw with the snow, I think it  looks like choc-vanilla twist ice cream), and I came across my first “I’m-gonna-drop-you” ice patch. Although it was minor, and I wasn’t even close to falling, the unexpected pep in my step threw a heat wave through me in a hurry. Ya know like that quick jolt of “fewf!” feeling? Yeah it was one of those. Along the rest of the way home, I came across a few more of these, and by the end I didn’t even care. I was SO warm!

Today I went to a community choir concert and…umm…well I didn’t actually make it past the intermission. Although I wasn’t overly entertained by what was in front of me – I did find a new appreciation for Doc and Tony. Never have I ever been more thankful for Doc perrr-fecting cut offs at the stop sign, rather than somewhere in the neighborhood… and for Tony being – I mean no one is perfect, but I’m lacking a word with essentially the exact same meaning :)

Anyway, the point is…now we have a blizzard warning. (I told my mom this and she said "yum what flavor?" haha jokester... it always comes back to ice cream in my life!) Oh snow…who are you and what have you done with summers on the dunes? Speaking of which – I can’t wait!

MyJam: just thinking about how awesome the message is in this song/video…as with so many from The Rocket Summer! Bryce is the man :)

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