Monday, December 20, 2010

Quotable Moments...

A few quotes that have made me pretty much lose it laughing!
After one of my students proceeded to tell me all of his “can’t believe I didn’t get caught” stories, he asked me if I remember the first time I ever got drunk. Umm…hahaa... I had just sat through him telling me all of these sketchy situations with alcohol and… other things (probably thinking it was super impressive) and then when I told him I have never drank he went nuts. He didn’t believe me at all. He was sure I must be under some sort of code that doesn’t let me talk about it or something.  It was hilarious. Anyway, later he came back and he, one other student, and I were talking and all the sudden he was like, “Sarah claims she’s never drank.”  I went on again trying to convince him that I wasn’t lying and when fiiinally he believed me, he kept the other student and I laughing for a good five minutes with…
“I'm gonna ruffie you and pour alcohol in your mouth!”
“Man I don't think we would have been friends if we were in high school offense!”
“I never said I hated you. I just don’t think we'd be friends...especially since you wont add me on Facebook!”  (The Facebook thing was a whole other situation. He tried to add me and I wrote him a message that said, “no.” – just to be funny, and he was sooo mad and complained about nonstop, saying things like…
Him- “Seriously just add me...why wont you add me?”
Me- “ Well mostly I just already have so many friends, it's getting kinda overloaded.”
Him- “Yeah right, I probably have more friends than you. You probably didn't even have any friends in high school!”
“Why wont you add me? What are you afraid I’m gonna go through and “like” every picture or status or something? Come oooon!” – I did eventually accept, after sufficient joking with him…and the next morning when I got on – 51 notifications. He “liked” the first 51 of my profile pics uuuh! 

Here are some more great quotes that were actually from training, but I just found them saved on my phone…

“There is no best time.” (When talking about waiting for the right time to do something good for others or for yourself.) I feel this is soo true. We’re constantly putting things off for the time in life when it fits or works or is easier or convenient or when we have time or money or stability. In reality – some of these things may never come. If that’s the case – you will wait forever to do what you dream of now. If your heart is pulling you somewhere – make it happen!
“Sometimes to go faster, you must go slower.”
Right before our first meal of amazing food at our incredible hotel in Chicago… “Eat everything you can now. Take it to your room. Get whatever you can get your hands on because it’s rice and beans after this!”
“It’s not just about living at poverty level through the stipend. It’s about bettering yourself as you realize what your community and your nation need.”

When trying to order something at Dunkin Donuts…
Me – “What’s a dunkachino?”
Employee (foreign) – “You want dunkachino?”
Me – “Well no, what is it? Is it like a mocha?”
Employee – “You want mocha?”
Me – “No I just wanna know if it’s like a mocha…umm like half coffee half hot chocolate?”
Employee – “So you want hot chocolate?”
Me – “Yes that sounds perfect!”
Employee – “Extra Larege?”
Me – “Small.”
Employee – “Two?”
Me – “One.”
Hahaha ooh man! Aside from the fact that ordering was hilarious – it was also SO good and I highly recommend it!

On the train – woman came by to collect tickets and I had to sign mine, so she handed me her pen and then walked away. When she came back, I handed the ticket and pen to her and she goes, “Where’s the cap?” I told her I never had it and she said, “Yeah ya did. You dropped it.” It was this older sassy woman and she said it so accusingly – hilarious! Also, I saw her drop the cap earlier so I picked it up for her and heard her give an “mmhmm” under her breath like she was right haha!

Oh the quotes that keep my smile on :)

Oowa Oowa - Christmas break til the 3rd!!! 

love&Christmas lights

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Staying Warm...and Stuff

Monday this week I was talking to one of my students about a talent show he wants to be in and he said, “I'm gonna have my brother come and play with me. He's a really good singer, but he has a girlfriend sooo...I just wanted to save you that awkward time of trying to hit on him.” Wow what do you even say to that? …Thanks, I guess. Haha what a punk!  The rest of the day I pretty much did promo stuff for the concert next week and learned about ice fishing…sounds cold. I don’t think I’d like it. There will be blankets and hot cocoa though, so…we’ll leave that as a maybe.

Thursday, I took my first guitar lesson with the after school program– yikes! I mean it was fun…I think. It’s just soo hard! I felt like I had never picked up a guitar in my life!

I went for a walk to the lake yesterday, which was both lovely and freeeezing! I put on approximately half of the clothes that I own and then took off down the icy sidewalk. Fun fact I learned on my way home…such sidewalks can actually keep you extremely warm. It’s true! So there I was walking back from the beautiful sand (which, btw with the snow, I think it  looks like choc-vanilla twist ice cream), and I came across my first “I’m-gonna-drop-you” ice patch. Although it was minor, and I wasn’t even close to falling, the unexpected pep in my step threw a heat wave through me in a hurry. Ya know like that quick jolt of “fewf!” feeling? Yeah it was one of those. Along the rest of the way home, I came across a few more of these, and by the end I didn’t even care. I was SO warm!

Today I went to a community choir concert and…umm…well I didn’t actually make it past the intermission. Although I wasn’t overly entertained by what was in front of me – I did find a new appreciation for Doc and Tony. Never have I ever been more thankful for Doc perrr-fecting cut offs at the stop sign, rather than somewhere in the neighborhood… and for Tony being – I mean no one is perfect, but I’m lacking a word with essentially the exact same meaning :)

Anyway, the point is…now we have a blizzard warning. (I told my mom this and she said "yum what flavor?" haha jokester... it always comes back to ice cream in my life!) Oh snow…who are you and what have you done with summers on the dunes? Speaking of which – I can’t wait!

MyJam: just thinking about how awesome the message is in this song/video…as with so many from The Rocket Summer! Bryce is the man :)

Friday, December 3, 2010


So by the end of this week, I decided that I've really gotten myself into an interesting situation with this position. It's still amazing and I adore the kids and feel an awesome connection with a few I'll just leave that part at that. Moving right along to a few highlights...
- I have one student who is basically a child prodigy of guitar...seriously. He is incredible. He picks things up after watching for about hmm..I donno..5 seconds! It's really awesome to see him work with the instructor, voluntarily help the other kids, or just to see him come in a screw around on the guitar after school. I'm stoked to see where he ends up after high school this year! 
- We had a cooking class start this week that was waaay fun! A group of kids and I went over to the church down the road and made a ton of food that ended up being for a community dinner they hold every Weds - so I guess that's what we'll always be cooking for! So nice to be helping out aaand working with an awesome chef (also it was like 90% local or something nuts like sweet)! 
...Afterwards, I went to the church service...honestly, I don't even know what kind of church it was...but I didn't care! I heard it was mostly just music on Wednesdays, so I figured I'd like it. I was right :) The sweetest thing happened right when I walked in the door too! I was on the phone with my mom when this guy came up (he has some special need..although I'm not exactly sure what) and he asked if I was leaving and I said I was there for the service. He got SOO excited and goes "OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I'M SO EXCITED!" as he gave me a huge hug! Then he told me I could sit by him..."but I mean only if you want to..." haha it was the sweetest thing! So of course I did and he was stoked! We sat in the front row and mannn was he excited to sing! I asked if he thought they'd play his fav song and he said, "OF COURSE!" (as if it were the most obvious thing in the world) and then said, "They alwaaays do!" This kid sang soo loud and out of tune! It was nothing short of a blessing to my ears. I was happy to stand next to him and hear him give all he had! It also got me thinking about how awesome it was to be so welcomed by a complete stranger and how I wish that's how we all acted all of the time to newcomers or old friends...anyone! So inspired by such love!
- Thursday we had guitar lessons and they went really well! All of the acoustics were used up and we even had to get into the electrics bc so many kids came! Plus the instructor..what? This guy is ridiculous! Sooo good! Made for such a fun day and good end to the week of programming! I'm shinkin I should be bringing my guitar and joining in since I have no clue what he was teaching them time!
- Come to the May, Seth, and Luke concert on the 16thhhh! It's going to be way fun, is only $5, annnd has a free dinner before that's going to be made by our cooking club along with 2 chefs! Just do it!

**Let's not kid ourselves..we're all here for the same reason. You want embarrassing stories about me. And here's number one in a real long time. So I was sitting on the couch (my desk chair basically) with my feet on the table, when I looked down and thought...dang. those boots look like way diff sizes...must be how my feet are sitting. So I adjust my feet in various ways before finally feeling like "oh crap!" and checking the inside. As I braced myself for the "I'm gonna feel like an idiot if these are 7 1/2 and 8," I got my courage up. So I wear a 7 1/2, which is the very size I discovered when looking in my right shoe. The left, however, ummmm...any guesses? It was a TEN! WHAT!? I have had these boots for over 2 years I think! I have no excuse that's good enough to justify such a folly, but let me try anyway. The thing is, these boots (that I love so much) have a wedge heel, so naturally my foot slides forward a bit...I just always thought I wasn't lacing the left one tight enough and that's why it was sliding...realistically I didn't know it was thaaat big of a difference! now what? Do I still wear the boots? Oi! How embarrassiiiiing! For you! (Had to know that was coming!) 

- Well what can I say...that's all I've got. This is my life at the moment. Trying to fit into my new shoes at good ol SEEDS, only to discover that I have one big and one small shoe to fill...hmmm??

love, guitars, and cocoa