Monday, November 29, 2010

My first day with SEEDS/AmeriCorps VISTA!

 “Your job for the next year is to show people how wealthy they already are.” Um…I’m sorry what? Is this real life? Did my “boss” really just say that? YUP! Today was my first day with SEEDS and it was incredible! We started out with a staff meeting at the TC office and met some of the staff and old VISTAS. As the staff went around the circle and introduced themselves, they all seemed to give more inspiration beyond even this awesome quote! I felt like the more we talked about the mission of SEEDS within the environment, in the community, and in individual students’ lives – I couldn’t help but thank God for letting me be a part of it all. 

At the end of the meeting, the other 3 VISTAs and I decided to get lunch before heading over to our separate sites. Mike, our umm supervisor of some sort…I can’t keep them all straight…but anyway, he told us to go to the Pleasanton Brick Oven Bakery (if you haven’t been there…go…yum) and get a loaf of bread and put it on SEEDS tab! Sweeeet! $7…saved. Hahaa

Soooo I finally showed up at my site around 3 and met Keith, Josh, and my supervisor, Dan…that’s the whole staff for Frankfort! As I looked over the room, let me tell you what I saw. 10 or more guitars (electric and acoustic) leaned in the corner, some bongos, and a schedule filled with guitar, drums, weightlifting, a field trip to an organic bakery, a cooking class, and of couuurse – The School of Rock concert with Seth Bernard and (Daisy) May Erlewine!! Again…what the heck?? How did I fall into this? I feel like this is one big trick or a sweet dream. PS for anyone interested – that concert is Dec 16th at 7:30pm for only $5!!
So anyway, 2 students came in and within 10 minutes – one busted out Dan’s mandolin… second time ever playing it and he was making some sweet music! Then Dan took the mandolin and this student had a guitar and the next thing ya know – a jam broke out! So then the other student and I grabbed guitars too and for the next 1 ½ hrs, my job was to listen and play music with this new piece of family in my life! It was incredible! I even played one of my own songs (yup…in public. Shocker of the century, I know)! Quite honestly, the only other “work” thing I did today was mix up the flyers for the concert and talk about all the sweet activities we could add/improve this year! 

Basically what I’m trying to say is…God is far too good to me! Today made all the searching for a job worth it. Today made the last few months of waiting to start worth it. Today made moving to a tiny little town in northern MI alone worth it. Today was beautiful :) 

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to start! This sounds so fantastic and I'm so glad that God gave you this new adventure!
