Friday, April 15, 2011


I am completely positive that I will forget something amazing in this due to goodness overload and the fact that it's been a quick minute since this, buuuut...spring break was amazing! After a long drive to Lapeer and then my usual last minute late night laundry/packing extravaganza, I flew out to Cali Friday! Kendall, Dave, and Jill picked me up from the airport and then we picked up Brett in Corona and went to dinner. Sweeeet to have so many good friends in one place at one time! Soooo Friday night, Kendall and I got to meet tons of Brett's co-Young Americans (all of which would literally sing on the spot when asked - sweet)! Saturday morning, Kendall and I walked to McDonald's and had to ruuun back in the rain! Then just when we thought we were gonna have to jump the fence back into Brett's apartments, the gate opened for a car! Fewf. Then Kendall got her acceptance phone call for the Hondurus teaching job!!!!!! Congrats!!!!! The rest of the day, we went to YA rehearsal, which was ahhh-maaaazing! Aside from having so much respect for their dedication (since that day alone, they had class and rehearsal from 8am-10:45pm), also their talent was ridiculous! The next morning after church (w/ an American Idol guest singer that day!), Brett and 2 of his wonderful friends took us to the train station(ish)...the thing is, we were in a pretty sketchy area and had to go like 4hrs early bc of their rehearsal skedge for that day sooo...well it's just a good thing that Kendall and I have fun no matter what we're doing haha! We wandered around, went in a Rite Aid, grocery store, a bakery (for like 2 1/2 hrs I think?), a Pizza Hut, and down the sidewalks of Creepyville all with luggage in hand. Basically we probably fit into the sketchyness too well. Yeeah we got some weird looks. :/ 
In Arizona, there was something I didn't even know existed anymore. Yup the sun. Along with warmth. The glorious 80-90s every day of the week and it felt heavenly! Stoked that bringing some home in my back pocket worked! I probably couldn't name a single one of the places that we went, but Kendall took me alllll around Tuscon (which to me is like its own state...that's way too big for a city)! We hiked 3 different places, went shopping, did some cooking, went to an open mic (with a girl who was sooooo insanely talented!), drove to different places with sweet views, watched some movies, ate some popcorn, went to her work - nannying precious little kiddos, figured out her flight home to Miiiiichigan, went to an art fair, and basically just had sweet time together, which was the whole point to begin with :) 

Ooooh and there might have been this little thing about our favorite band, He Is We!!! We were driving into downtown Tuscon Friday morning when we heard something on the radio about He Is We playing in downtown Tuscon that night at Sapphire Lounge. We were like whaaaaat? So I called and confirmed that they were indeeeed playing that night at 6. The thing is Kendall could get off work anytime between 5:30-6:15 and it was 25mins from the show, which was 25mins from the airport and I was leaving that night. Things weren't lookin great. But then the clouds opened up and God said, "I love you Kendall and Sarah!" The kids' dad was home at 5:30!!! We shot over to the concert sooo quick!! "I haven't seen anything move that fast since that illegal mouse race!" haha..anyway, another group played 2 songs and then He Is We went on...a few details: It was FREE. On a ROOFTOP. At SUNSET. In downtown Tuscon. With like 50 people. And we were like 10 feet away from the mics. It was basically pure goodness! Afterward, they also signed posters (and my pick:) ) for free so we hung around a bit for that and then scootscooted over to some food and then the airport! The end. Ooooh wait NOT the end!! Because then I get into the airport, and who in the world is at my gate, but HE IS WE?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I was in shock! I texted Kendall and she of course thought I was April Fools-ing no my friends. Real deal. I'm not a big star struck type of person, but let me just say that here, sitting in front of me were the 2 people that make up the group that musically inspires me more than any other at this point in my life. So needless to say, I was pretty stoked! After catching my breath, I went over and they said that their flight had been canceled so I should hang out with them! I had to think about it, but decided that there probably was no better way in the world to spend the next 10 minutes! I got to hang out with them and just chat about random things...parents, them guessing my age (high school...uh geez typical), our jobs, sketchy areas, weird fans (like one that licked Trevor's shoe and another that threw up after Rachel hugged her!), what they were missing bc of the flight cancellation, etc etc. Soo cool! When they called boarding for my flight and Trevor was like "Oh suuure rub it in that you still get yours while our flight is cancelled!" haha anyway, then we said bye and they said see you in MI (which ps...who wants to go May 4th in Lansing?!)! Then I boarded the plane, sat down, and continued to pretty much shake for the next half hour haha! Woooooow! Thank You, God :)

So like I said, spring break was amaaaaazing!

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