Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Burnt Cookies and A Hippie Bed

Sooooo break is over and it's back to good ol Franky! So far, so good I shuppose! Friday, I met with the pastor of a church I've been going to on Wednesday nights and it helped a ton in deciding about going there for real. I checked it out on Sunday and it's way more traditional than anything I'm used to, but I really like the people and their mission and beliefs. I'm thinking that (aside from the fact that my options are super limited) it's most important that I find somewhere with a good community feel even if it's not what I'm used to. As long as I feel fulfilled at the end of each service, I'll keep going there...plus Wednesday nights are more contemporary so it's otay! Alsoooo when I met with the pastor, he talked to me about chaperoning the youth for a trip to New York and another to North Carolina this summer for rock climbing, hiking, white-water rafting, etc...sweeeet! Hope it works out!!

Not quite done with the move, but it's actually starting to look like I live here now wooo! Uh speaking of my apt, so my stove/oven is this tiny thing... it's gotta be from the 50s! Needless to say, the numbers on the dial are having a rough time holding on. In other words, they're totally wiped off (at least on the oven dial). Sooo I wanted to make my brother and cousins cookies for bringing my stuff up and I feel like the most stereotypical thing possible happened. I couldn't tell what temp I had it on or even whether it was the highest or lowest setting, but I could feel that it was not getting very hot. I turned the dial to the opposite side and put the cookies in and just figured I'd check in a few mins and see how melty they had gotten. Welllll not even 5 mins later, I found this -------------------------------------------------->
Sad day! I had turned it to broil dang it. So these cookies (which Mal would have loooved), were clearly scorched on the tops, but the bottoms were perfect! Luckily my second round was quite a bit less black. Stereotype of a girl in her first solo apartment burning the first thing she attempts to cook...check! 

In other dumb news, my box springs for my bed wouldn't fit through my doorway/stairway, so I have only my mattress sitting on my floor like a little hippie haha! I need to make a choice - do I stick with this so I can keep my big kid bed...or do I trade it for a small bed from home, so that I actually have a frame and box springs? What should I dooo? Ehhh life is full of tough choices. *Don't mind the purple wall :/ Hopefully I'll be painting it yellow soon!

Yesterday I drove passed this restaurant that had a sign out for singer-songwriter night...in FRANKFORT. Oh.My.Gosh. Something to do in Frankfort in the winter. There's hope! I was planning on going, but then I had to try every possible combination in my living room sooo maybe next week. Just another one of the simple things that will get me to summer! That along with these pictures that I put in my window. 
This way, when I get up in the morning and look out at the snow, I can also look at the goal! Snow...Goal...Snow...Goal. K I'll Stay another day. That's how it works :) 

Work is slow, but it's whatever...oh and I'm turning 24 in less than an hour :/ yikes! hahaa


  1. Personally I like the purple wall. ;) Also, yes, Mal WOULD love those cookies. She's a strange one. Haha.

  2. Ok I'm a lame friend and am only now just catching up on your blog, but i have 3 things to say
    1. Joanna is right, Mal would love those heje
    2. I forgot you had a purple wall! hahaha that made me smile
    3. I feel so honored that I made you window... three times! woohoo! :)
    4 (ok more then 3) I love you!
